About Us

(Please note: The purpose of the imitation Bush Rock is “two fold”, it not only is a new product in our range, it has been developed to protect our bush land. The excessive removal of bush rock from our bushland results in loss of habitat for our small animals and also is a contributing factor to the erosion of our bushland, and if our new imitation “Bush Rock” can help in some way then we have achieved our goal).

Who We Are

Its now been 20 years since the Slate Block was developed and its popularity is still as high. But we have now developed some new, and, just as popular blocks.

So from the construction of gardens and the development of new products I started growing our own plants for our own jobs in 2000. I soon had grown more plants than I could use, so I put up a sign saying “Cheap Plants Here”, in front of my farm. Every weekend my mother would sit under an umbrella watering the plants with a hose and the demand for stock just became bigger and bigger until mum said “Son there are too many plants to water by hand”. So I bought her a portable impact sprinkler.

Now we have the largest whole sale nursery to the public in Sydney, with a huge range of plants, blocks, statues, waterfalls, ponds, and landscaping supplies. Five acres dedicated to your gardening needs. None of this could have been achieved without the wonderful support of our customers, my mother and the fantastic staff who keep all these facilities running.
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5 Acres of plants direct to you.


Steven Vassallo

Here’s what some of our past clients have to say about us
